My Park Ranger season in Oregon just finished. Was lucky enough to take a leisurely road trip back to New Orleans. Along the way I was able to dip my feet into a few new rivers and reflect back on some of the rivers from my life.
This season in Oregon, I was able to paddle large sections of the Willamette River and the Deschutes River. Wonderful additions to my list. My job this season Was focused around rivers and their adjacent activities. Our three most popular sites Alsea, Quartzville, and Nestucca, were all named for the rivers that flow through the properties. Each of these properties had campgrounds, boat launces, swim spots, and scenic overlooks. Both the Nestucca River and Quartzville Creek are federally designated wild and scenic rivers of national importance.
These rivers became a large part of my life over the last five months. I experienced these rivers in all weather conditions, saw them expand from a trickle in the summer to a torrent during the early rainy season. I diped my feet and anointed my heart and heard w their waters on the first visits, thanked them and said goodbye on my last visit. They were pure magic to know.
On the road trip back home we made a few stops to both rivers I have known and new rivers to me. We camped close to the shore, bathed, and celebrated the rivers as we passed.
I have come to love rivers. Yes, I mean that. I love rivers in all their expansive forms. It is thrilling to start a new relationship with rivers, like I did in Oregon. Its warming and comforting to revisit old friends I have know, like I was blessed to do on the road trip home. And truly, I am aching to see and bath, and drink, and sleep along side the rivers closest to my heart next month. I am thrilled to lead tours on my favorite rivers in South East Mississippi. I hope you can come along and catch some of this magic.
All the trips i lead this autumn are four days and three nights on a spectacular river. Sleeping under the stars, eating great meals, and meeting amazing people. All the tours are fully outfitted with all gear, equipment, food, and me as your guide :)
As always if you have questions or ideas about the trips shoot me a message here w the contact form or on Instagram @bd_markey
Hope to see you on the river,